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Fengbao Special Steel's "Two-pronged Approach" promotes both production and quality improvement
Fengbao Special Steel’s “Two-pronged Approach” promotes both production and quality improvement

Since the beginning of this year, Henan Fengbao Special Steel Co., Ltd. has taken standardized operations and refined management as its starting point, and “two-pronged approach” has promoted the improvement of steel quality and output. In the first half of March, the company’s billet inclusion qualification rate increased by 1.85 percentage points year-on-year, achieving a steady improvement in steel quality and providing quality assurance for the next process from the source.

The company’s steelmaking plant deeply implements the concept of “the last process serves the next process, and the next process is the user”. It operates according to standards and strictly controls the compliance rate of key processes. They reviewed and revised the process control assessment methods, strictly controlled the quality qualification rate of raw and auxiliary materials, standardized the inspection and random inspection methods of raw and auxiliary materials in branches and workshops, reduced the rate of violations in the process, and reduced the impact of raw and auxiliary materials on quality. The converter process of the plant focuses on controlling the end-point carbon, on-site composition, and temperature. The refining process starts with stabilizing the slag material and the number of deoxidizers to stabilize the refining slag system; shortening the white slag formation time to ensure the white slag retention time; unifying the soft blowing standard, ensuring the soft blowing effect, and improving the qualification rate of inclusions. The continuous casting process strictly implements the process operating procedures, and does a good job of protective casting to improve the quality of the cast slab.

In the production organization, the company’s steelmaking plant uses smooth processes and refined management to ensure stable improvement in output and quality. The first is scientific production scheduling. General steel and variety steels, large and small sections are matched to produce, and the dispatchers of each shift ensure the effective implementation of the production plan; the control of production accidents and operation accidents is the focus of work, moved down to work sections, teams, and established in the dispatching room. Shift indicator ledger, which calculates and announces the indicators of each single shift individually. The second is to strengthen the control of the production rhythm of the converter, and solve the influence of the slag removal under the furnace, the treatment of the furnace mouth, and the sticky slag of the oxygen lance on the production rhythm; optimize the power transmission current of the LF furnace, control the heating speed, and ensure the retention time of the small current white slag, and optimize The location and parameters of the wire feeding machine have solved the liquidity problem of molten steel; the equipment department regularly conducts spot inspections on key equipment, and the regular inspection and maintenance are linked with production shutdowns, shortening the hot shutdown time of the equipment, and escorting production stability.

Clean steel smelting involves many factors such as raw materials, refractory materials, technology, production organization and so on. In December last year, the Fengbao Special Steel Laboratory of the University of Science and Technology Beijing was established to increase efforts to carry out research on clean steel smelting. Through the efforts of the past three months, not only the average index of the qualified rate of billet inclusions has increased year-on-year, but also the output has reached the expected target, achieving a double improvement in output and quality.

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